The team of „Burkov, Radev, Djulgerska“ Law Firm provides advice in the area of competition law and, depending on the complexity of the case studies, we are partnering with recognised experts in the matter – lawyers and economists. Our practice includes:
– Consultations on the content of unfair competition: damage to the reputation of the competitors, deception, imitation, attracting customers unfairly, misleading and comparative advertising, disclosure of trade secrets;
– Consultation on the concentration of economic activity in mergers, takeovers, acquisitions and other cases provided by the Law on Protection of Competition, legal assistance for notification and authorisation by the Commission for Protection of Competition;
– Consulting companies with monopoly or dominant market position;
– Consulting in conjunction with the restrictions to prohibited agreements, decisions and agreed practices relating directly or indirectly to prices regulation, markets allocation or sources of raw materials and other anti-competitive clauses;
– Consultations on the conditions for exemption from the prohibition fro certain agreements, decisions and agreed practices, including the applicability of the group exemption;
– Legal Representation before the Commission for Protection of Competition and the Supreme Administrative Court.